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08/04/2024 Spearman's Barge/Reef 1:00 PM

08/04/2024 Spearman's Barge/Reef 1:00 PM

Spearman's Barge is a 150ft long deck barge sunk in 1978 to form an artificial reef. It bears the name of its owner at the time of sinking, Robert Spearman. Reportedly an avid lobsterman and spearman, Spearman ran a small dive shop that gre to become a large company operating under the name Spearman Marine Construction. He sank the barge as an artificial reef to help attract thge large fish he liked to spear. 

The wreck offers the chance to see large schools of grunts, as well as sergeant majors, butterflyfish, and angelfish. Parrotfish and surgeonfish forage on the algae that covers the hull of the barge, while honeycomb cowfish and sharpnose puffers flit about the site. After so many years underwater, the artificial reef is colonized by hard and soft corals and it has helped create a complex habitat that compliments the surrounding natural reef. A resident goliath grouper often greets divers as they approach the wreck. The depth of this dive is 72 feet to the sand, with most of the structure located in the 60-65 feet.

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08/04/2024 Spearman's Barge/Reef 1:00 PM

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